My mantra is “blur the divide between inside and outside” and this is reflected in the materials I work with, manipulating the flow of space and interior touches that create moments of joy.

Hailing from Birmingham I fell in love with the power of a well-designed building as a child and used to draw house plans while day-dreaming in my bedroom. During my sixth form at King Edward VI High School for Girls I was in my element in “A level” Art classes, soaking up exhibitions, dance performances and live gigs in my spare time. Gaining a place at Cambridge University I qualified as an architect in 1990 after five years of intense study and went on to work for design-led practices in London and Edinburgh before setting up my own company in 2008. Spurred on by my love of nature and sustainability I studied landscape architecture at Birmingham City University from 2010 to 2013. In my final year I was awarded the prize for the best postgraduate project. I have recently been back at BCU for a fascinating and illuminating course in Climate Literacy for Sustainable Futures.

I offer empathy and insight, always mindful of the brief but able to expand it in ways my clients may not have expected or anticipated to create something truly special. My work has ranged from new-build individual homes, the refurbishment and extension of listed properties, blocks of flats and student housing, office design and work on healthcare buildings to garden designs and landscape and visual impact assessment.

After over 30 years I’m still in love with my job and the creative process.

Find me at

  • The Hive, The Old Music Hall,

  • 106-108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JE

  • email: lesleycottonarchitect@live.co.uk

  • 01865 403121